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About Academic Convention

The IAPSS Academic Convention aims to provide political science and related discipline students and researchers with the following insights. First, you can present your own work and research within a variety of student panels. Second, the conference aims at bringing together experts from academia, politics, the media and civil society. Networking and exchanging with students and researchers on the conference topic is the focus. Besides the academic program, the social program gives time to explore the city and to network with participants and experts.

The highlights of the Academic Convention

At the Academic Convention, you can present your work to other participants but also to professionals from the respective field. Standing up for your research in discussions with high performing participants trains your arguing skills. Various panels provide an exhausting overview of the topic of the conference. The topic of the conference and panels varies at each conference and normally has a regional dimension.

You also have the chance to learn valuable skills in research workshops offered during the conference. The workshops provide in-depth knowledge of certain topics and help you to perfect your research. In addition, an Oxford-style debate on the conference topic is offered.

The social program in the evenings allows you to relax, network, and explore the convention-city. Networking amongst researchers and experts is in the focus. It opens the possibilities for casual or fervid debates on conference or entirely unrelated topics. City tours and get-together are organised to strengthen intercultural awareness.

Experts and lectures are mainly provided by our partner organizations. IPSA and ISA, two of the most important organizations for political science, are normally conducting lectures. Our local partners like ASEF at the Academic Convention 2018 in Singapore support the conference with regional insights. Setting the focus of the conference also on regional theories and topics.

Bring the Academic Convention to you!

Academic Conventions are organized worldwide and largely with our regional chapters. If you want to bring the Academic Convention to your city please reach out to the regional chapters. Feel free to contact the Convention Team at for any further inquiries.

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