Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA) will host their annual conference on 12-14 June 2024 in Montreal, Canada. The theme of the conference is Approaches, Knowledges, and Methods for the World of Tomorrow.
IAPSS plans to send a delegation to the conference to host a panel. The registration fee of participants will be covered. Limited travel grants may be available.
The IAPSS panel will consist of four papers. We also look for one discussant and one chairperson on the panel. The IAPSS membership is mandatory for all roles once the selection is finalized.
Guidelines for Paper Submissions: Please send us your abstract (between 150 and 250 words) with the title of the proposed paper, five keywords, your name, subject(s) of study, home university, contact information and your CV through the form below. The proposals should reflect the overarching conference theme.
Chairpersons and Discussants: Please send us your CV with emphasis put on your previous chair/discussant experience through the form below.
The deadline for submission is January 10, 2024!