August 28 – September 2, 2023, Braga, Portugal, University of Minho
During the IAPSS Summer School 2023, various scholars and experts will present thought-provoking lectures with regard to these divisive issues in European democracy. Additionally, attendees will be afforded the opportunity to, among other things, immerse themselves in a human library comprised of political activists while also sharpening their academic skills during multiple workshops, and stimulating their competitive side with political games. Throughout the duration of the IAPSS Summer School 2023, participants will be expected to work in groups and author papers pertaining to the theme of the summer school. The IAPSS Summer School 2023 is poised to be a stimulating and highly interactive environment where students of all levels will constructively contribute towards the democratic dialogue and the future of democracy in Europe.
After the end of the Summer School, the best papers will be considered for publication in Politikon, the IAPSS Journal of Political Science and in A Different View, the IAPSS scientific blog.