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A Different View (ADV) is the popular scientific blog of IAPSS. As one of the largest student-run blogs, ADV publishes articles dealing with all facets of political theory, foreign policy, and international relations, among others. While ADV provides up-to-date commentaries of political issues around the world as well as analyses on recent developments in the field of political science, it is not just limited to academia but extends to real-world developments and crises.

IAPSS envisions ADV as a place for discussions and free flow of ideas, and an avenue where readers can gain a better understanding of cross-cultural affairs while learning how politics deeply affect the interactions between states as well as individuals. With a diverse pool of authors, ADV is an important platform for political science enthusiasts; one which enables and facilitates the sharing of opinions on different issues. ADV offers an excellent opportunity for exchanging ideas and perspectives, improving academic writing skills and making convincing arguments about various subjects of utmost importance. Formerly an online magazine, ADV was relaunched as a blog in July 2013.

For any questions, please contact the Editor-in-Chief at

ADV contributor writing guidelines

ADV contributor writing guidelines

A Different View covers a broad range of topics that impact political science and global affairs. It aims to present clear thinking by knowledgeable political science researchers on relevant issues that are written in English and can be read with ease and pleasure by both professionals and a broad general audience. The essential goal is to bring academia and society closer by presenting Political Science content with a knowledgeable and accessible language.

Acceptable submissions

  • Commentaries are 750 to 1.500 word submissions that aim to provide a perspective or opinion on a subject. These submissions are the author’s personal (and informed) opinions.
  • Analyses are 750 to 1.500 word submissions that provide a comprehensive, scholarly perspective on a subject. These articles do not convey the author’s personal opinions.
  • Rebuttals are 500 to 1.000 word commentaries on material that has been previously published on ADV. They should reflect an informed opinion or a contrasting scholarly analysis.
  • Research Notes are 750 to 1500 word submissions that present the current theoretical and methodological aspects of ongoing research, short versions of ongoing research debates, and preliminary research results.

Editorial Guidelines and Policies:

  • Please submit your contribution as a Word document (rather than a PDF). No other formats will be accepted.
  • Papers are accepted for publication on the assumption that they have not been previously published elsewhere either in whole or in part. Please do NOT submit to multiple blogs but only one publication. This is a courtesy to ADV and the other publications as well.
  • AP style should be used as writing style for all submitted manuscripts.
  • APA should be used as referencing style. Use parentheticals for in-text citations, and include a References list at the end of the manuscript. Footnotes may be used for clarificatory associated with any parts of the discussion.
  • In-text citations are mandatory in acknowledging sources. Use either scholarly journals, credible periodicals, and newspapers as sources. Fact-checking shall be done for every article we publish.
  • Authors may use either American or British English. The author must, however, maintain the language consistency throughout the text.
  • For foreign language references, retain the foreign language words and phrases, titles, and names, but follow each with a parenthetical English translation/text). For example “title in Thai” (English translation). This should apply both in-text and in the reference list.
  • Plagiarism (even inadvertent) will not be tolerated. Please note that all submissions are screened. Any published articles found that take credit for someone else’s words or ideas will be removed.
  • Please do not presume previous knowledge on the part of the reader, and aim for explaining your subject to the general audience.
  • Include your full name and title with a short biography (200 words maximum).
  • For any inquiries, please contact

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