About IAPSS Study Trips
IAPSS Study Trips are an established format of IAPSS events where IAPSS members come together, network with other members from all over the world and investigate a specific topic by having lectures, visits, and discussions. All IAPSS Study Trips go to one specific and important place where it takes place. Arrived there all the participants deal with the contemporary study of politics under a specific topic of the IAPSS Study Trip.
IAPSS Study Trips aim at bringing a limited number of political science students together with stakeholders of all spheres, branches and levels in a selected country focusing on one or a number of issues relevant to the contemporary study of politics. Typically, between 20 and 30 students travel together with IAPSS Study Trip Coordinators for a duration of four days to two weeks – depending on both the topic and chosen destination.
The trips comprise institutional visits, meetings with key politicians and journalists, actors from domestic and international bureaucracies, lobbying groups and business representatives, the diplomatic arena and artists. The diversity of stakeholders enables the group to shed light on the selected issues not from one (subjective), but from multiple perspectives, leading to a better understanding of the complexity of policy-making, political behavior, conflicts and addressed problems in the country visited.
Every IAPSS Study Trip is accompanied by a social evening program. We discover the key sights, enjoy local food in traditional eateries, get to know the cultural scene and – if weather and destination allow – even take in a bath in the nearby sea.
Destinations of our previous IAPSS Study Trips include Brussels, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Tunisia, the United States, Madrid, Berlin or Krakow, and Prague.
In case of further questions or inquiries, do not hesitate to contact our Study Trip Coordinators at studytrips@iapss.org.