My Fellow Political Science Students,
Welcome to a new season of A Different View (ADV), the academic blog of the International Association for Political Science Students. This is my second year as Editor-in-Chief as well as the main body of the editorial team. We also welcome two new members this year as editorial assistants. The entire editorial board is composed of members coming from international regions, Southeast and East Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and North and South America.
We at ADV look forward to your quality submissions on any of the following article types: Commentaries, Analyses, Rebuttals, or Research Notes. Please check out our guidelines at for technical questions. We would also be happy to entertain any queries through
I, however, would not set a tone on topics or themes for this letter, instead setting out this year’s future prospects. As this Letter from the Editor opens this season, we at ADV encourage submissions on any political topic as long as it’s timely, clearly written, and factually backed up. Call for submissions and publications will be on a rolling basis. Aside from the articles, we will have a monthly Letter from the Editor written in rotation from among the editorial staff every first week. These letters can serve to provide an inviting theme and a way to engage with the readership. We will release the rolling call for submissions every last week. The call for submissions will also include a summary list of published authors and titles of that period. Lastly, we encourage you to take part in submitting responses. You might see analyses and commentaries released here. You can then submit your own academic response to this issue or topic. It would be a great ongoing debate that we at ADV can host.
The study of political science is vast. Please share through us your thoughts through your articles with us. We look forward to helping you in publishing them.
All the best,

Ronald M. Castillo is a Ph.D. Candidate on Asia Pacific Studies at National Chengchi University, Taiwan. He has both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Political Science and focuses in mapping socio-political networks be they institutional or behavioral. He also studies human spaces as they apply to socio-political dynamics.