The IAPSS Membership fees are based on one’s country of residence.
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*The countries are classified by their Gross National Income, according to the World Bank Atlas Method.
The country selected must be the applicant’s country of residence.
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IAPSS-IPSA Joint Membership
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Discounts for IPSA members
- A reduced rate on subscriptions to Journal of Political Power;
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IAPSS-IPPA Joint Membership
By becoming a member of the International Public Policy Association you will join a vast community of researchers and practitioners operating in Public Policy and contribute to the development of the Association. You will be updated on all events, news, and opportunities related to the policy studies and get exclusive benefits, such as:
- Reduced fees to register for the 4th International Workshops on Public Policy in Guadalajara, Mexico (June 26-28, 2024)
- Reduced fees to register for the future 7th edition of the International Conference on Public Policy, to be held in Chiang Mai (Thailand) on July 2-4, 2025
- Reduced fees to participate in all seasonal schools co-organized with IPPA
- Reduced price to subscribe to the printed issues of the International Review of Public Policy
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