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IAPSS General Assembly Participation Checklist

The IAPSS General Assembly and Elections will take place in Athens, Greece, on Friday, May 24, 2024, in a hybrid format on the margins of the World Congress at 11:00 EEST (12:00 CEST).

The onsite location of the General Assembly is Airotel Stratos Vassilikos Hotel.


Have a valid IAPSS Membership

Check if your membership is active, or buy one if you would like to become an IAPSS member.

Fill out the GA Attendance Form

Please confirm your attendance by filling out the General Assembly attendance form.

Get acquainted with the agenda and submit motions

You can read the agenda proposed by IAPSS ExCom and submit your motions to be accepted into the main agenda. More information on deadlines and requirements is available here.

Participate In-Person or Online

To participate in the General Assembly in-person, come to the Airotel Stratos Vassilikos Hotel

To participate in the General Assembly discussion online, click the link to the Zoom room or copy and paste the link into another tab in your internet browser. You will need to keep a tab with this page open to participate in votes. You will also be able to watch a live stream on YouTube. By attending the GA, you consent to being recorded.

How Does the GA Work?

Process in steps


The meeting is led by a chairperson

The chairperson’s job is to ensure the rules are followed and that the General Assembly takes place in an orderly and respectful fashion. GAs are run according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised with some distinctions articulated in the IAPSS Bylaws.

Minutes are taken at this meeting and posted online

This means that discussions and results of votes will be recorded.

At the start of the meeting, the General Assembly must confirm the agenda.

This means that members agree that the points on the agenda are the ones they want to talk about and/or vote on. Sometimes, members may wish to change the order of points or add or remove items. To change the agenda, a member must motion to do so and another member must second it.

Members initiate decisions to be discussed or voted on at the General Assembly through motions

A motion is something a member wants to be enacted through the general assembly. Motions require a seconder or another member who expresses that they too want the motion to be discussed and/or voted on. Motions can be used to adjust procedures, like a call for a recess, or can be used to amend proposals that are being voted on.

There are other points members can raise that do not require a seconder.

A point of information can be raised to ask a question about the procedure, which can help if a member does not know what is going on or if they want to know why something is happening. A point of order can be raised to express that the correct procedures are not being followed. A point of personal privilege can be raised if there is something that is preventing a member from engaging in the General Assembly, like if they cannot hear, if they cannot access a linked document, or if there is another kind of technical malfunction.

Professional and respectful behaviour

If members believe that the chairperson is not fulfilling their duties properly, they can move to challenge the chair, which leads to a vote on removing the chair and then the selection of a new chairperson. If someone present is not behaving respectfully, they can be censured either by the chairperson or by a motion. If censured, a member will be removed from the online General Assembly space for the amount of time designated by the chairperson or the motion.

What is the IAPSS Legal Framework?

The IAPSS Legal Framework comprises IAPSS’ guiding documents that oversee how it operates. You should read through the Legal Framework before the General Assembly because you will be voting on amendments to it.


Bylaws are the most powerful of the documents that outline the basic organizational structures of IAPSS. They must be compliant with the law of Canada so there are limitations on what can be amended. Amendments must be passed by two thirds (2/3) of those present at a General Assembly.


Policies outline non-operational matters, like what stances IAPSS takes on political issues and the values it upholds. They require a majority General Assembly vote to amend.

How do elections work?

How to submit a candidacy?

Candidates must submit a CV and a platform statement to by the extended deadline of May 23, 2024, at 11:59 AM (CEST). A platform statement is like a cover letter and should outline a candidate’s qualifications and what they would do if elected to the position they are running for. There are no length requirements or limitations. Candidates should keep in mind that the CV and platform statement they send will be posted online on this web page for all members to see, so they should not include any information they do not wish to be made public. At this time, all elected positions within IAPSS are voluntary and unpaid.

Do I have to be an IAPSS member to run in the election?

Each candidate must have an active IAPSS membership by the time the General Assembly starts. Memberships can be purchased here.

What happens during the GA?

Each candidate shall be able to make a short statement to address the General Assembly and motivate their candidacy. After candidates for one of the positions give their statements, there will be time for members to ask questions.

How long is the voting period?

After the question period, voting opens. Voting in elections is required to remain open for three (3) days as stipulated by IAPSS’ Bylaws.

The extended deadline for candidaciesis May 23, 2024, at 11:59 AM (CEST). Please submit your documents at

Prepare your documents

Make sure your CV is up-to-date, and your platform statement clearly outlines the goals for the next mandate. IAPSS members want to know why you’re running for your position, so concise and straightforward documents will help them to make a decision for whom to vote.

Run only for one position

It is not recommended for candidates to run for multiple positions. Pick a position for which you’re the most qualified.


The extended deadline for motion submissions is May 23, 2024, at 11:59 AM (CEST). All motions and applications must be sent to Motions for General Assembly will be posted on May 24, 2024.

Examples of Motions to Submit: proposed changes to the IAPSS Legal Framework, proposals for what IAPSS should do as an organization, topics the IAPSS membership should discuss

Examples of What Not to Submit: concerns with IAPSS of a personal nature, motions that do not align with the IAPSS Legal Framework and in particular the Code of Conduct, motions that do not align with the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act. If a motion falls into any of these categories, there is a chance that it will be ruled out of order by the General Assembly chairperson and not be added to the General Assembly agenda.

1. Call to order

2. Approval of the Agenda and General Assembly Committee

3. Approval of the 36th General Assembly Minutes

4. Approval of the 37th General Assembly Minutes

5. Report of the IAPSS President (needs a vote to approve)

6. Report of the IAPSS Treasurer (needs a vote to approve)
a. Financial Statement 2023-2024
b. Draft Budget 2024-2025

7. Report of the IAPSS Advisory Board (needs a vote to approve)

8. Legal Framework Amendments and Motions.

9. Elections – (candidate presentations, questions, and voting)
a. President

b. Secretary-General

c. Treasurer

d. Vice President for Academic Affairs

f. Vice President for Programs

g. Vice President for Public Relations

h. Advisory Board Members (3)

i. IAPSS Africa Chair

j. IAPSS Asia Chair

k. IAPSS Europe Chair

l. IAPSS Latin America and the Caribbean Chair

m. IAPSS Oceania Chair

n. IAPSS US and Canada Chair

10. Other Business

11. Adjournment

Information About Elected Positions

The IAPSS President leads the organization and the Executive Committee. They directly oversee the International Cooperation Department and represent IAPSS externally. They chair Executive Committee meetings. Commitment: 20 hours/week.

The IAPSS Secretary General oversees IAPSS’ internal communications and democratic processes. They lead the Secretariat, which looks after the website, email accounts, and project management applications. They take minutes at Executive Committee meetings, organize General Assemblies and elections, ensure the IAPSS Legal Framework is followed, and oversee all matters pertaining to memberships. Expected commitment: 20 hours/week.

The IAPSS Treasurer oversees IAPSS’ finances and leads the Financial Administration Department. Key operations include managing IAPSS bank accounts, using accounting software to keep records of transactions, developing a budget for the year in conjunction with the other departments, and guiding the organization on all financial matters. Expected commitment: 20 hours/week.

Vice President for Academic Affairs
This position oversees the Academic Department, which includes two academic journals, one academic blog, and a dozen Student Research Committees. Key operations include helping organize IAPSS’ delegations to academic events of partner organizations and the academic aspects of IAPSS events and initiatives, such as reviewing and editing submissions. Expected commitment: 15 hours/week.

Vice President for Programs
This position oversees the Programs Department, which guides all IAPSS events and initiatives. Key responsibilities include helping organize event plans, coordinating between event teams and other IAPSS departments, and assisting with event implementation. Expected commitment: 15 hours/week.

Vice President for Public Relations
This position oversees the Public Relations Department and is responsible for all of IAPSS’ public relations and communications activities. Key responsibilities include managing social media and YouTube accounts, creating content, engaging students and promoting IAPSS around the world, engaging with media, drafting press releases, and responding to questions from members and external organizations. Expected commitment: 15 hours/week.

Advisory Board (3 Positions)
The Advisory Board ensures that IAPSS is functioning ethically, with accountability, and in accordance with its guiding documents and applicable laws. The Advisory Board also provides guidance to all aspects of the organization, audits the finances to the best of its ability, and makes rulings in certain internal disputes. Expected commitment: 5 hours/week.

IAPSS Africa Chair
This position oversees the entirety of IAPSS Africa, including its team, resources, strategies, and outreach. Key responsibilities include promoting engagement with students in the regions, organizing regional events and initiatives, and representing the regional association at Council of Regions meetings. Expected commitment: 15 hours/week.

IAPSS Asia Chair
This position oversees the entirety of IAPSS Asia, including its team, resources, strategies, and outreach. Key responsibilities include promoting engagement with students in the regions, organizing regional events and initiatives, and representing the regional association at Council of Regions meetings. Expected commitment: 15 hours/week.

IAPSS Europe Chair
This position oversees the entirety of IAPSS Europe, including its team, resources, strategies, and outreach. Key responsibilities include promoting engagement with students in the regions, organizing regional events and initiatives, and representing the regional association at Council of Regions meetings. Expected commitment: 15 hours/week.

IAPSS Latin America and the Caribbean Chair
This position oversees the entirety of IAPSS Latin America and the Caribbean, including its team, resources, strategies, and outreach. Key responsibilities include promoting engagement with students in the regions, organizing regional events and initiatives, and representing the regional association at Council of Regions meetings. Expected commitment: 15 hours/week.

IAPSS Oceania Chair
This position oversees the entirety of IAPSS Oceania, including its team, resources, strategies, and outreach. Key responsibilities include promoting engagement with students in the regions, organizing regional events and initiatives, and representing the regional association at Council of Regions meetings. Expected commitment: 15 hours/week.

IAPSS US and Canada Chair
This position oversees the entirety of IAPSS US and Canada, including its team, resources, strategies, and outreach. Key responsibilities include promoting engagement with students in the regions, organizing regional events and initiatives, and representing the regional association at Council of Regions meetings. Expected commitment: 15 hours/week.

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