A Different View (ADV) welcomes your contribution. If you are interested in writing for us, please carefully read the following guidelines. We welcome article pitches and unsolicited manuscripts, and we review them on a regular basis. Please send your contributions to the editor adifferentview@iapss.org.
ADV is a uniquely political science blog of analysis, and commentary on international relations, world politics and a wide range of issues of global importance. We feature the voices of promising academics from IAPSS.
Acceptable submissions
- Commentaries are 750 to 1,500-word submissions that aim to provide a particular perspective or opinion on a subject. These submissions are the author’s personal (and informed) opinions.
- Analyses are 750 to 1,500-word submissions that provide a comprehensive, scholarly perspective on a particular subject. These articles do not convey the author’s personal opinions.
- Rebuttals are 500 to 1,000 word commentaries on material that has been previously published in ADV. They should reflect an informed opinion or a contrasting scholarly analysis.
Editorial Guidelines and Policies:
- Please submit your contribution as a Word document (rather than a PDF). No other formats will be accepted.
- Papers are accepted for publication on the assumption that they have not been previously published elsewhere either in whole or in part.
- Use AP style for all submitted manuscripts. There are a number of free AP style guides available online.
- In-line hyperlinks are mandatory in acknowledging sources. Use either scholarly journals, credible periodicals and newspapers as sources. We fact-check every article we publish.
- We will contact you only if we will accept your piece. If you do not hear from us within three business days, you may feel free to submit the manuscript to another publication.
- Please submit your article to only one publication. Please do NOT submit to multiple editors. This is a courtesy to ADV and the other publications as well.
- Plagiarism (even inadvertent) will not be tolerated. All submissions will be screened. Any published articles found that takes credit for someone else’s words or ideas will be removed.
- Please include your full name and title with a short biography (100 words maximum) and a photo/headshot as a separate attachment.