One day the world we used to live in turned upside down. We, Ukrainians, have faced war. Certainly, this war was real, not like in fairy tales, not like in the stories of Hobbes. Now, many families are forced to leave their home, which they were building during all their lives. Some heroes have passed away defending their families, themselves, and their Motherland. Thus, the Ukrainian nation has become the most solid in the last era. We were able to unite ourselves and almost the whole world around. Of course, Ukraine really needs support now. It could be diverse: international awareness of the military conflict, humanitarian aid, assistance for temporarily displaced people, social protection, military assistance, and so on. And all this is in the hands of everyone. Do not stay silent! Your silence = your consent.
I was asking myself: “Why?” Why do we live in a world that has already experienced many crises, riots and military interventions, which, in the era of information warfare, must endure the killing of innocent people, citizens, poisoning of soil, destruction of infrastructure. Where are all the values at this moment? These medieval methods of fighting by force only dig a hole.
Instead of giving people a little of what they crave, they get violence. People need to be heard! We deserve a better life. Stand with Ukraine, Glory to Ukraine.