What is the World Congress and what is it about?
The IAPSS World Congress is the largest annual event hosted by IAPSS – the International Association for Political Science Students. As customary for our biggest event of the year, we expect 150+ students from around the world to join us during our first in-person World Congress since 2019, concentrating on the theme, Global Cooperation in the Era of Disruption.
Where and when will the Congress take place?
The World Congress will take place at Concordia University located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It will take place from May 15th to 19th, 2023. We have one day for virtual participants that will take place on May 17th.
How to register for the Congress?
In order to register for the event, an active and valid IAPSS membership is required. Make sure this step is complete, and then you will be able to purchase a ticket to the event through the IAPSS webstore. You have to create a website account before you can purchase your membership. If you are experiencing issues with this, email worldcongress@iapss.org .
Can I attend the World Congress online?
Yes. While we’d love to see all of our members in person, the World Congress will also be held online for one day on May 17th to accommodate those who can not attend in person. Spots to attend virtually are limited, so be sure to register early to secure your spot.
How much does it cost to attend the conference?
In order to attend the IAPSS World Congress, you need to:
- Become an IAPSS Member. Prices range from 4 to 19 USD – check your eligibility here. Be sure to create a website account to be able to purchase membership.
- Get your Early Bird ticket for by March 31, 2023, here.
- The regular tickets are available starting on April 1, 2023.
The World Congress registration fee is based on a participant’s country of residence. Citizens of Upper-Middle Income Economies and Low and Lower-Middle Income Economies have access to reduced fees to attend the 2023 World Congress.
Where can I find information about the event agenda and schedule?
Find important information about the event on the World Congress main page. Make sure to check the page frequently for updates, including the event schedule and agenda, which will be posted closer to the event date.
I would like to volunteer at the conference. Who should I contact?
Volunteers are a critical part of ensuring a smooth and successful conference, and if you want to volunteer but not present your research, we waive the full cost of your ticket. If you are interested in volunteering opportunities at the 2023 World Congress, please apply for to be a volunteer here.
What is the price of a ticket?
Ticket prices are listed on this page under “Further Information.” Ticket prices vary depending on your group (Group 1, Group 2, or Group 3), which is determined by your country of residence. Countries are classified into groups based on their Gross National Income as determined by the World Bank. For more information on how this works please see this page.
Is there an early bird price available for tickets?
Yes, if you would like to take advantage of the early bird registration special please register before March 1, 2023.
When is the deadline to register?
Participants who have a role in the program must register and pay the fees by April 22, 2023. Participants who will simply attend and do not take part in the Congress program can register online until May 12, 2023.
Where can I buy a ticket?
Purchase tickets for the World Congress here.
I purchased a ticket, but I can no longer attend. What should I do?
If you can no longer attend the conference, please get in touch with us at wcadmincoordinator@iapss.org. Refunds are available up until two weeks before the Congress begins.
Note: please note the change in refund policy from one weeks to two weeks before the event.
What cost am I expected to incur?
Attendees are expected to cover the cost of food, travel, lodging, and any extraneous expenses incurred from their travel.
Is there a scholarship?
IAPSS will offer 3 scholarship positions for virtual presenters (the ticket fee will be waived) and 3 scholarship positions for in person presenters (the ticket fee will be waived and a $300 voucher will be given). The scholarship form is here.
If you are looking for more opportunities to apply for scholarships, please check your university’s webpage, as most universities offer scholarships for their students to participate in academic conferences.
Can I attend/participate in the World Congress if I did not submit an abstract?
Absolutely! Students do not need to have submitted an abstract to attend the World Congress as an observer. Tickets will be offered at a reduced price for observers.
I am not an IAPSS member. Can I still attend/participate?
All participants and attendees must have an active IAPSS membership by the time of registration. You will not be permitted to attend or participate in the World Congress without an IAPSS membership. To become an IAPSS member, please see this page.
Abstracts and submission guidelines
Where can I submit my abstract?
Abstracts can be submitted on this page.
When is the deadline to submit my abstract?
The extended deadline to submit an abstract is February 15, 2023.
Can I submit a paper if it has previously been published?
Yes, there is no restriction to paper submission. IAPSS will not claim any right to your paper or draft that you present during the World Congress.
I cannot make it in person. Will I have access to content online?
A limited number of spots are available for those who wish to participate virtually at the World Congress.
When will I know if my abstract is accepted?
Acceptances and rejections will be released on a rolling basis after the deadline for submission has passed. If you haven’t heard back by the end of February, reach out to wcpanels@iapss.org, or check your spam folder.
Can I present at the conference with my co-author?
Yes, it is possible to present a paper with co-authors. However, each author needs their own IAPSS membership and ticket to attend the World Congress.
My abstract was accepted by the World Congress Abstract Committee - what is the deadline for submitting the paper and where can I find paper requirements?
The deadline to submit your paper is April 27, 2023. Further information on paper submission requirements can be found here.
Can I participate as a panel chair or discussant?
Yes! Serving as a panel chair and/or discussant is an opportunity to enhance your academic experience, and these positions are crucial for the best reciprocal outcome of the conference, as you will be giving our panelists valuable feedback on their work. You will also gain experience on reviewing papers as well as being part of an academic panel. If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please apply to be a panelist at this form here.
What is expected of the panel chairs and discussants?
As a panel chair you are expected to:
- Read the papers in your panel carefully and prepare thoughtful questions.
- Start and keep your panel on time.
- Take and manage questions from the audience directed to panelists.
- Keep audience questions on the topic.
As a discussant you are expected to:
- Carefully read the papers that you are assigned and be prepared to discuss their contributions, strengths and weaknesses.
- Be prepared to discuss your reactions to the papers and why, answering such questions as what the author can improve.
- Be prepared to stimulate conversation among the audience by posing questions for discussion.
You can submit your full papers via this online form.
The deadline for full paper submission is on April 11.
Technical details
Will the Congress only consist of us presenting papers, or will there be other social activities for us to anticipate?
The World Congress is not just an academic conference, but also an opportunity for students to learn more about current issues in political science, meet renowned professors, and explore various career options available to political science graduates. The event is also a great venue for socializing, networking, and touring the city of Montréal. Tours around the city, offices of international organizations, and think tank visits and many more social activities will be a part of the World Congress. More details on social activities will be provided closer to the conference.
Will I be able to choose what time I present at?
No, but you are free to request which day you present on. We cannot, however, guarantee the negotiated date.
Am I responsible for covering the cost of my transportation, meals, accommodation, etc. to and while I am in Montreal?
Yes. Attendees are expected to cover the cost of food, travel, lodging, and any extraneous expenses incurred from their travel. There are limited scholarships available that will subsidize a portion of your travel.
Do I need a visa to come to the World Congress?
Visa requirements vary depending on the country of origin. Please find a detailed list of visa requirements on the Canadian government website.
How can I request an invitation letter for my visa application?
Please send an email to wcadmincoordinator@iapss.org as early as possible.
For those who wish to attend as an observer or volunteer without presenting, we ask that you purchase a ticket before we issue a visa letter. If your visa request gets rejected, then we can issue a full refund of your ticket, or you can keep it and attend the virtual portion of our conference on May 17.
I have special accessibility needs; can you accommodate me?
If you have specific needs, please reach out to worldcongress@iapss.org.